2004 Geantet-Pansiot Gevrey-Chambertin en Champs (750ml)



Wine Gevrey-Chambertin "An Champ" is available since 2000, it is made ​​from Pinot Noir grown in the vineyard "En Champs" appellasone in Gevrey-Chambertin. Berries collected manually with vines, whose age is approaching the 100th anniversary provide future guilt extraordinary richness of taste and aroma. After sorting on vibrating table, the fruit carefully separated from the ridges and vinified in a natural way without pressing and adding pure culture yeast. The fermentation process takes place under the strict control of the temperature, which should be in the range 25-33 ° C. Maceration lasts for 8 days. 14 months drink is aged in oak barrels (30% - new) with a mandatory weekly stirring. The wine is bottled without "gentrification" - pumping, fining and filtration. Domaine Geantet-Pansiot was founded in 1954 by Edmond Gentil and his wife Bernadette Panza. It was then that the newlyweds settled in Gevrey and started to work on in their 3 hectares of vineyards located in Gevrey-Chambertin. Years of hard work have allowed spouses to gradually increase the number of vineyards through new acquisitions, and by 1977, when their son Vincent joined the operation in a domain, the total area of ​​vineyards farm is 7 hectares. Joint activities of the father and son went to the benefit of the family enterprise. In 1989, the domain management Genty-Panza completely passed into the hands of Vincent Jeanty, who proceeded to continue to successfully develop the family business. In 1991, he bought 4 hectares of vineyards in Gevrey-Chambertin, in 1994, bought the 0.6-acre Chambolle Musigny 1er Cru, and in 1999 - a site in Gevrey, bringing the total vineyard area of ​​almost 13 hectares. Since 2006 Vincent Genty works with his son, Fabian, which is very natural and harmonious "joined" in the family wine business. - winestyle.co.uk Label: Web

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